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Diploma in Basic IT Skills

Course Duration: 1 year

Course Eligibility: 10th & 12th Pass 


About the Course

Diploma in Basic IT Skills (DIBITS) program is specially designed for those who want to pursue career in software development. DIBITS program will make an individual ready for system programming, it is also useful for B.Sc. (IT), Engineering students who have these topics in their syllabus. The student has to prepare assignments during the DIBITS program and on successful completion would be awarded a certificate.


C Programming:  Introduction to C  | Data Types  | Expressions and Operators  | Control Statements  | Switch / Loops / Arrays | Strings and Integer | Functions / Pointers  | Data Structures / File Handling 


C++ Programming:  Introduction to C++ | OOPS Concepts | Constructor / Functions  | Operators / Classes  | Conversion Types / Abstract Class | File Input / Output  | Class Templates  |  Exception Handling / Data Structures 


Python Programming:  Basic Python Syntax | Data Types & Operators |  Decision Making & Looping | List / Tuples / Dictionary |  Functions and Modules |  Files Input  / Output  |  Exceptional Handling | Class and Object / GUI Programming | Database Access / Multithreading 


Visual Basic Programming: Introduction to Visual Basic  | Windows Event | Controls and Properties  | Visual Basic Data Types |

GUI Controls  | Interacting with Files  | OOPS with Class Modules  | Interacting with Data  | Understanding ADO  | Multi Dimensional Arrays  | Creating ActiveX Controls  | Creating DLLs and EXEs


SQL Server: Introduction to SQL Server | Databases and types | Using DDL / DML | Simple Queries  | Sub-Queries | Queries using Joins  | Using Aggregate Functions  | Constraints  | Working with Views  | Stored Procedures  | Triggers | Import / Export


  • Junior Programmer, Application Developer, Senior Programmer, Database Administrator,  Work as a Freelancer. The course gives career readiness for Software Development in IT industry.

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